23 February 2007

Year 3 Feb 2007 Life Drawing Portfolio

here is the first of two portfolios for gerry. the next seven weeks i'll focus on the structure and anatomy of the head, and keep trying (keyword trying) to master clothing and character :) hope you like the portfolio! please leave your thoughts!


Lettie Lo said...

cliff lol. i hav been trying out a differnt method of drawing. lol and that includes the best part : ignoring antaomy hahah..
well exactly, i am tryign to put my focus on shapes and the gesture. lol. but i see wad u mean :) its really a fine line between a good design and poorly strutured drawing, i am still trying.
good stuffs from u, as always, would be interesting to see some colours from u tho :)

Garrett Hanna said...

Oh wow. I'm inspired. Not much else to say other than these are amazing drawings. Great work man!

Justin J said...

Dude...you're incredible...

Anonymous said...

Your portraits are amazing!!! Im sure they have inspiered many young artists to go out in the world and do there own styles. I hope you go far in life.